How BigID Streamlines Compliance with the FINMA 2023/1 Circular

BigID enables Swiss Financial Institutions to discover, map, and take action on critical data to achieve compliance with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) 2023/1 circular. BigID helps organizations with critical data risk management to align with the financial regulation set to be enforced on January 1, 2024.

  • Build an Accurate Data Inventory
  • Manage the Data Lifecycle from Retention to Deletion
  • Create Policies Based on Data Location 
  • Mitigate Data Transfer Risk with PIA’s 
  • Limit Access During Data Transfers
Download the datasheet to learn more about critical data management to remediate risk and stay compliant with FINMA 2023/1 circular requirements.

BigID FINMA 2023/1 circular requirements